Friday, November 14, 2008
Then and Now...
So Kylah's 6th birthday was yesterday, the 13th of November. Brandon's mom took pictures (since I of course forgot to bring my camera..DOH!) and then sent me some pictures from last year, her 5th birthday. It's so interesting to look and see how much she's grown...she just looks so little bitty last year!!

So here's a picture of her opening a present on her 5th birthday...

Here's one of her standing up in her new Dora boots...

Here she is, the birthday girl, last night, celebrating with Nana, Papa, Mommy, Daddy, Auntie Adrie, and Uncle Mikey. It just amazes me how much she's grown...she just looks so much BIGGER :)

Here she is eating some cake that she and daddy made together on Wednesday evening.

So you can totally tell a big ole difference that a year makes. After opening each of her presents, she said OOOOH JUST WHAT I WANTED!! It was the cutest thing ever!! We are so lucky to have her in our lives!!

I will probably put up another post tomorrow, after her big birthday party at Arctic Edge, the ice skating rink. Hopefully we'll all come home in one piece :)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Weekend...
While mommy was stuck taking her elementary education content knowledge tests, Kylah went to a classmate's birthday party on Saturday morning and had an absolute blast. It was at a place called Bouncin' Craze, which has tons of moon-bounce type things to play and bounce on. She came home with a thing of Play-do (in her goody bag) which is now one of her favorite things. She informed Brandon and I that she wants more play-do so she can have more than just one color. I called my mom and suggested that as a wonderful birthday present for her :) We got a pic of her playing with the play-do.

Then we got up and went to church this morning as a family for the first time in AGES!! All of us had been going to New Covenant UMC, and I decided after the wedding fiasco that I had no interest in continuing to attend church there. So Brandon and I have been going (very sporadically) to Acts 2. So we all got up this morning and went, Brandon and I thoroughly enjoyed the sermon, Kylah had a blast (as always), and we left with a very good, positive feeling. Here are some pics of us...

I stopped by my parents' house on Friday evening, and was trying to explain Lois's new fascination with crawling up in our shirts and wrapping herself around our necks and passing out after she plays for a little while. My dad said we needed to get pics, so here are two, one with her fully in my shirt and one with my shirt lifted up so you can see her.

Although pictures don't truly capture the essence of Lois's personality while playing, we snapped three photos of her. One day we will get the video camera out and get a clip of her, she's just the funniest thing ever :)

Monday, November 3, 2008
More Sad News
Clark Kent Nelson passed away this morning. I am absolutely devastated!! We brought him home just over a week ago...NOT EVEN TWO WEEKS!! He was sick on the way home, but we thought it was just him being carsick. But he continued to throw up over the weekend, and I got up Monday morning and took him into the vet's office. The vet said he didn't have a fever and didn't appear to be sick, so to just kind of experiment with what food will work best for him. He got a teeny tiny bit better over the next few days, but on Friday he started with a clear discharge coming out of his nose, he felt feverish, and stopped eating. So we were trying to get him through, force feeding him as best we could, and Saturday evening he had a seizure. It completely flipped me out. Brandon went to the OU Nebraska game, and called when he was leaving Norman. I started bawling, and told Brandon there was no way Clark would make it til Monday. So I rushed him into the emergency vet, where the news just kept getting worse. He was completely dehydrated, had low blood sugar (which is what caused his seizure), had bacteria in his intestinal tract, and a mild fever. We had to leave him overnight, and called back a few times on Sunday to check in. He just never got any better, started spiking more of a fever on Sunday evening, still wouldn't eat, and was just completely lethargic. When Brandon talked to the vet late Sunday night the vet told him that if Clark hadn't gotten any better by the morning we needed to consider putting him to sleep. But thankfully we didn't have to make that choice. Brandon got the call this morning while I was in the shower that Clark had died. They're not exactly sure why, they related it to failure to thrive in a human baby. The girl told me when I brought him in Saturday evening he definitely needed a few more weeks with his mama. So now we just have lovely Lois, who is indeed thriving. She's full of spunk and personality, and I am so thankful we have her. And I'm actually thankful Clark died when he did, because the more attached I would've gotten, the worse it would've been.

In order to honor his memory, we will get another chocolate min pin when the breeder has another litter with a chocolate colored one. But as for now, we will raise Lois by herself. Which honestly, she is quite the handful :)